ACE Employability is built on the belief that we all need to Act, Connect and Empower young people in order for them to seize opportunities, and help them define who they are and how they see themselves as productive, confident and work ready members of the community.

ACE is now available to schools to offer online to students as they work within this new digital learning environment.

The ACE on line program by SCIPS is a 6 week program and focusses on employability skills identified by both our employers and research conducted by the Foundation of Young Australians (FYA) and Workforce Australia. Content is gradually built upon over the sessions and include such topics as:

  • Workplace communication
  • Employability concepts and practices
  • Enterprise upskilling
  • Personality personas in and out of the workplace
  • The entrepreneur in all of us
  • Industry incursion at various stages of the program
  • Putting it all together (students complete with an industry ready resume and access to the SCIPS employer noticeboard which includes fortnightly job alerts)

Get your students work ready with soft skill training in a real time training environment. 

Want to know more? 

Contact Christine at or on 0434 579 044